Public procurement law
The state is changing from a sovereign intervention state via a producer state to a procurement state. Its task will be met less and less by using its own personnel and material resources, but rather by purchasing the required services on the market. Public procurement law prescribes the procedure for the conclusion of relevant agreements.
We support bidders in tender procedures by preparing a bid in line with all of the principal‘s requirements as regards form and content and by enforcing justified interests in the course of the procedure in a timely and effective manner. We issue constructive reprimands, safeguarding rights in close cooperation with our clients and, if required, initiate review proceedings, which we carry out based on our long-standing procedural and material experience before higher regional court procurement bodies and senates. In case of contract awards below the threshold values we represent your interests effectively before regional courts.
Of course, we also provide advice for public principals regarding structuring and implementation of incontestable award procedures. This includes during the lead-up to clarification of issues under municipal economic law, determination of procurement requirements, and development of a procedural strategy leading to the desired results. During such procedures, we legally cover all exclusion decisions and collaborate with professionals from other disciplines to attain a sustainable assessment of bids. We support briefings and guarantee legally covered documentation and a speedy procedure up to the award of contracts and contractual arrangements.
The specific industry-related focus of our public procurement activities is placed on the waste management and construction industries.
- Consulting of public clients with regard to the selection and drafting, preparation, execution and documentation of award procedures
- Consulting of bidders with regard to their participation in award procedures
- Representation of bidders and public clients in reexamination proceedings before procurement chambers and senates
- Legal opinion on procurement law matters
- Procurement of IT services
- Labor Law
- Bank and capital market law
- Compliance
- Family law
- Corporate law/M&A
- IP rights & competition law
- Commercial and distribution law
- International law
- IT & data protection
- Cartel law
- Mediation and arbitration
- Tenancy law, real estate marketing and management
- Public law
- Sports Law
- Private building law, property planning, and construction
- Tax law
- Public procurement law
- Asset planning, succession, succession law
- Insurance and liability
- Law regarding business and fiscal offenses
- Customs and foreign trade law