BRANDI lawyers.

Dr. Franz Tepper, LL.M.
About me
- Born in 1960
- Apprenticeship as banker 1981
- Legal studies at the University of Münster
- First Exam ("1. Staatsexamen") in 1986
- Postgraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 1986 - 1987
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) 1987
- Doctor of Laws (Dr. jur.) 1989
- Second (Bar) Exam ("2. Staatsexamen") in 1990
- Bar admission in Germany in 1990, with the firm since then
- Admission to the New York bar in 1991
- Certified Specialized Attorney in International Business Law since 2014
- Member of various supervisory and advisory boards of medium-sized companies
International law
International direct investments
- Foundation of subsidiaries abroad
- International tax law
- Joint Ventures
- International purchase and sale of companies
- Management of participations abroad
- Establishment of holding structures
International proceedings and arbitration
- Litigation abroad
- Enforcement of claims against foreign debtors
- International arbitration proceedings (as party representative and arbitrator)
- Strategies for the prevention of proceedings and reduction of risks
Mediation and arbitration
- Activity as arbitrator in national and international arbitration
- Representation in national and international arbitration
- Preparation of arbitration agreements
- Acknowledgment and enforcement of arbitration awards
Corporate law/M&A
- Selection of the legal form (corporate law and tax law)
- Drafting of the partnership agreement, further agreements between the partners
- German stock corporation and private company law (e.g. OHG, KG, GmbH & Co. KG, GmbH, AG, KGaA, eG)
- Societas Europaea (SE)
- Foreign legal forms (e.g. Ltd, Plc, Inc., LLC)
- Trust
- Voting trust, pool and consortium agreements
Life and growth of the company
- Conduction of general meetings and partners' meetings
- Growth financing, corporate finance (borrowed and own capital, cash pool, bank loans, leasing, leasing, factoring, forfaiting, asset-backed securities, mezzanine financing, bonds, bonded loans)
- Participation rights, silent partnerships (typical, atypical)
- Employee participation schemes
- Private equity companies
- Subsidiaries (foundation and acquisition, foreign subsidiaries)
- Partnership agreements, affiliation agreements (in particular control and profit and loss transfer agreements)
- Co-determination
- Corporate compliance, corporate governance
- Cooperation agreements, joint ventures, join ventures in Germany and abroad
- Takeover of other companies (M&A)
- Transformation law, transformation tax law
- Consolidation, split, restructuring, contribution, merger
- International mergers and control agreements
- National and international holding structures
- Squeeze-out
Disputes within the company
- Disputes between the partners, with members of bodies and with the company
- Representation of interests out of court (in particular in partners' meetings, general meetings, supervisory board, advisory board)
- Representation of interests in court
- Mediation (as party representative and mediator)
- Arbitration (as party representative and arbitrator)
Company succession
- Structuring of family assets
- Gifts, usufruct
- Inheritance tax law
- Foundation (charitable foundation, family foundation)
- International models
- Supervisory board, advisory board
- Execution of wills, administration of estates
- Sale of companies
Purchase and sale of companies (M&A)
- Preparation of the purchase of a company (tax optimization, bundling of the assets to be sold, separation of assets, sales brochure)
- Determination of the type of sales process (e.g. auction, sale to competitors)
- Selection of the business broker or the investment bank
- Transaction structure (in particular asset or share deal, tax aspects)
- Transaction management
- Agreements prior to due diligence (e.g. non-disclosure agreement, letter of intent)
- Preparation and execution of and support during due diligence (including installation of a(n) (electronic) data room)
- Negotiations
- Drafting of the company purchase agreement
- Distressed M&A, acquisition from the insolvency administrator
- Consulting in the case of public take-over bids
- Purchase of a foreign company
- Purchase by a foreign purchaser
Corporate tax law
- Company related corporate and income tax law
- Inheritance and gift tax law
- Conversion tax law
- International taxation law
- Arens/Tepper (Hrsg.), Praxisformularbuch Gesellschaftsrecht, 4. Auflage, 2013
- Arens/Tepper (Hrsg.), Praxishandbuch Gesellschaftsrecht, 2. Auflage, 2013
Contributions to books
- Beiträge in Arens/Tepper, Praxishandbuch Gesellschaftsrecht, 2. Auflage 2013
Kapitel 6 Das Mandat beim Unternehmenskauf- und verkauf
§ 37 Der internationale Unternehmenskauf
Kapitel 10 Das gesellschaftsrechtliche Mandat bei grenzüberschreitenden Sachverhalten
§ 51 Deutsches Kollisionsrecht
§ 52 Deutsches und internationales Prozessrecht
§ 54 Ausländische Gesellschaften im deutschen Rechtsverkehr
§ 57 Internationales Steuerrecht - Die Anerkennung deutscher Zahlungsurteile in Kanada, in: Stiefel (Hrsg.), Festschrift für Sandrock, Heidelberg 1995
- "Verteidigungsstrategien gegen US-amerikanische Zivilklagen in Deutschland"
in: Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft, RIW 12/2016, S. 790-800 (mit Carsten Christophery, LL.M.)
- Deutscher Anwaltverein(Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Internationalen Rechtsverkehr)
- New York State Bar Association
- American Bar Association
- Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung
- American Chamber of Commerce in Germany
- Rotary Club Gütersloh