BRANDI lawyers.
Dr. Gert Müller-Baumgarten
About me
- Born in 1949
- Studied law at Bielefeld University
- First Exam ("1. Staatsexamen") in 1975
- Research assistant at Bielefeld University's Department of Tax and Business Law from 1975 to 1978
- Legal clerkship ("Refrendariat") at the Bielefeld District Court from 1975 to 1978
- Second (Bar) Exam ("2. Staatsexamen") in 1978
- Research assistant at Bielefeld University's Department of Tax and Business Law from 1978 to 1981
- Doctor of Laws (Dr. jur.) in 1981
- Bar admission in 1981
- Appointment as notary in 2000
- Head of working groups in the field of contract design for articling clerks at the Bielefeld District Court from 2004 to 2008
- Honorary judge at the Cologne Higher District Court (Notary Public Department) from 2005 to 2019
- Certified Specialized Attorney in Inheritance Law since 2006
- Joined the firm in 2010
- Retired from the office of notary in 2019
Asset planning, succession, succession law
Succession law
- Design of last wills
- Revocation of a last will
- Contracts of inheritance (notarial)
- Withdrawal from a contract of inheritance
- Directions pertaining to legacies and conditions
- Prior and subsequent succession, also excepted prior succession
- Order of the execution of a will
- Will to the benefit of persons with disabilities, in need or overly indebted
- Provisions for the offsetting and balancing of gifts
- Renunciation of inheritance
- Renunciation to the compulsory portion
- Inheritance tax
- Agricultural succession law (farm regulations)
- Determination of the legal succession including spousal inheritance rights
- Acceptance and renunciation of the inheritance
- Contesting of the acceptance of an inheritance
- Securing the estate through curatorship of the estate
- Liabilities of the heirs, obligations of the estate
- Administration of estates
- Insolvency of estates
- Community of heirs
- Contesting a will
- Interpretation of a will
- Accepting or rejecting the office of the executor
- Remuneration of the executor
- Dismission of the executor from office
- Compulsory portion regulations
- Obligation of the heir to furnish information
- Offsetting of gifts against the compulsory portion
- Request for the issuance of a certificate of inheritance
- Revocation of a certificate of inheritance
- Purchase of an inheritance, transfer of shares of an inheritance
Asset succession and company succession
- Succession planning
- Legal and tax succession model
- Prevention of claims for compulsory portions
- Anticipated succession
- Transfer of company assets
- Foundation of family-owned businesses/family pools
- Establishment of foundations
- Sale of companies
- Enduring power of attorney
- Entrepreneur's last wills, testamentary and prenuptial of the entrepreneur
- Execution of wills (e.g. in case of underage heirs)
- Transfer agreements
- Agreements on the renunciation of the compulsory portion
- Lump sum provisions
Asset planning
- Legal consulting with regard to asset management
- Legal structuring of (family-owned) companies
- Prenuptial agreements
- Legal models for invested capital, in particular for investment funds
- Europarecht und Gesellschaftststeuer
Eine Untersuchung zur Vereinbarung des deutschen Rechts mit der EG-Richtlinie über die Gesellschaftssteuer, Dissertation 1981
- Das Gesetz zur Änderung zwangsvollstreckungsrechtlicher Vorschriften,
NJW 1979, 905-909
- Notarrechtliche Vereinigung
- Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erbrecht im DAV
- Juristische Gesellschaft Ostwestfalen-Lippe
- Forum Erbrecht e. V.
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge (DVEV)