BRANDI lawyers.
Dr. Jörg Niggemeyer
About me
- Born in 1976
- Legal studies at the University of Münster
- First Exam ("1. Staatsexamen") in 2002
- Doctoral studies at the University of Münster
- Research consultant at the University of Münster's Freiherr-vom-Stein Institute, the academic research center of the Association of North-Rhine Westphalian Districts, 2002 - 2004
- Doctor of Laws (Dr. jur.) 2005
- Legal clerkship ("Refrendariat") at the Paderborn District Court
- Second (Bar) Exam ("2. Staatsexamen"), bar admission 2006, with the firm since 2006
- Appointment as notary in 2013
- Consultant with vhw - Bundesververband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V. (federal association for housing and urban development) in the areas of public construction law, protection of monuments, and municipal levies
- Consultant with the Studieninstitut für kommunale Verwaltung Westfalen-Lippe (academic institute for municipal administration in Westphalia-Lippe) in the areas of site development contracts and public utility connection fees
- Certified Specialized Attorney in Administrative Law, 2010
Public law and public commercial law
Building and construction planning law
- Development plan procedures (land utilization plan, development plan, project and infrastructure plan)
- Building permission procedures
- Protection of heritage building and monuments
- Roadways and rights of way
Municipal law
- Consulting and representation of regional authorities (municipalities, districts, associations) and municipal bodies
- Support during processes for citizen participation (petitions for referendums, referendums)
- Municipal by-law regulations
- Municipal constitution regulations
- Preparation and support with regard to municipal decisions
Municipal tax regulations
- Review of municipal tax by-laws
- Fee and contribution law
Municipal commercial law
- Consulting and representation of regional companies and owner-operated businesses, in particular municipal utilities
- Commercial activity of municipalities
Legislation governing (private) bodies funding and running schools and universities
Gambling law
- Zulässigkeiten und Grenzen von Sparkassenfusionen - Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von
Zusammenschlüssen nordrhein-westfälischer Sparkassen
Stuttgart 2005
Contributions to books
- "Rechtsfragen bei Sparkassenfusionen"
in: Oebbecke/Ehlers/Klein/Theurl/Diemert, (Hrsg.), Perspektiven für Sparkassen und Genossenschaftsbanken,
Stuttgart 2006
- Das Vorkaufsrecht des BauGB – aktuelle Rechtsprechung und Fragestellungen der Praxis,
DVBl. 2023, 717 ff. - Europarechtswidrigkeit des § 2 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 UmwRG? , EurUP 2009, 199 (zusammen mit M. Dippel)
- Zulässigkeiten und Grenzen von Sparkassenfusionen
in: Eildienst LKT NRW, Nr. 11/November 2005, 00.20.04 - Steuerung durch Organisation - Ganztagsangebote an Schulen, Tagungsbericht
in: Eildienst LKT NRW, 2003, S. 271 f.
Book discussions
- Jäde/Dirnberger, Baugesetzbuch/Baunutzungsverordnung, 10. Aufl., Stuttgart 2022,
(NdsVBl. 1/2023), S. 31 f. (zusammen mit Nina Drüke und Felicia Deppe)
- Deutscher Anwaltverein
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Verwaltungsrecht im DAV, Landesgruppe Nordrhein-Westfalen