BRANDI lawyers.
Dr. Sörren Kiene
About me
- Born in 1978
- Legal studies at the University of Münster
- First Exam ("1. Staatsexamen") in 2005
- Research associate at Centre for European Private Law (CEP) and at the Institute for International Business Law at the University of Münster
- Scholarship recipient for the EC-funded "Uniform Terminology for European Private Law" research network, University of Warsaw (2005)
- Guest lectureship at Beijing University of Political Science and Law (June 2007)
- Second (Bar) Exam ("2. Staatsexamen") in 2009
- Bar admission and Doctor of Law (Dr. jur.) in 2010
- Joined the firm in 2010
- Visiting lecturer at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, 2011 - 2014
- Solicitor (England & Wales) since 2014
- Certified Specialized Attorney in International Business Law since 2016
- Accredited and certified Incoterms® 2020 trainer (since November 2019)
- Distribution law compliance, including supply chain act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG)
- Assessment of distributor contracts with regard to their admissibility under cartel law
Commercial and distribution law
International distribution (export and import)
- UN Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- International supply agreements
- International supply framework agreements
- Internationale order framework agreements
- International General Terms of Purchase and Sale
- International agency agreements
- International distributor contracts (including distribution cartel law)
- Non-disclosure agreements
- Quality assurance agreements
- Letters of credit
- International bank guarantees
- International collateralization of credits on goods
- Private international law
National distribution
- Delivery agreements
- Purchase agreements
- Delivery framework agreements
- Order framework agreements
- General Terms of Purchase and Sale
- Warranty regulations
- Guarantee agreements
- Quality assurance agreements
- Inco terms
- Product liability law
- Insurance law
- Agency agreements
- Distributor contracts (including distribution cartel law)
- Non-disclosure agreements
Proceedings and arbitration proceedings
- Litigation in Germany and abroad
- Enforcement of claims against foreign debtors
- International and national arbitration proceedings (as party representative and arbitrator)
- Strategies for the prevention of proceedings and reduction of risks
- Proceedings for the preservation of evidence, in- and out-of-court
International law
Export and import, international distribution
- International purchase agreements, UN Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- International agency agreements
- International distributor contracts
- International General Terms of Purchase and Sale
- Letters of credit
- International bank guarantees
- International collateralization of credits on goods
International proceedings and arbitration
- Litigation abroad
- Enforcement of claims against foreign debtors
- International arbitration proceedings (as party representative and arbitrator)
- Strategies for the prevention of proceedings and reduction of risks
Mediation and arbitration
- Activity as arbitrator in national and international arbitration
- Representation in national and international arbitration
- Preparation of arbitration agreements
- Acknowledgment and enforcement of arbitration awards
Contributions to books
- Delivery of Goods, in: DiMatteo/Janssen/Magnus/Schulze (Hrsg.),
International Sales Law – Second Edition, Hart Publishing, Kemp House, Chawley Park, Cumnor Hill, Oxford, OX2 9PH 2021, S. 366-387 - German Civil Code - Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, §§ 759-779 BGB 2020
- Delivery of Goods, in: DiMatteo/Janssen/Magnus/Schulze (Hrsg.), International Sales Law – Contract, Principles & Practice, Baden-Baden 2016, S. 313-339
- German Country Analysis: Part II,in: DiMatteo (Hrsg.), International Sales Law - A Global Challenge, Cambridge 2014, S. 377-398
- Rezension zum Formularbuch zum Europäischen und Internationalen Zivilprozessrecht, herausgegeben von Peter-Andreas Brand, NJW 2011, Seite 1573
- Beginn der Widerrufsfrist beim Haustürgeschäft - Urteilsanmerkung zur Entscheidung des BGH vom 23.09.2010, Az.: VII ZR 6/10, VuR 2011, Seite 232 -234
- The CISG and Its General Principles, zusammen mit Dr. André Janssen, in: CISG Methodology, Janssen/Meyer (Hrsg.), München 2009, S. 261-285
- Übersetzung der Principles of Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles - Contract II) zusammen mit David Kraft, Reiner Schulze und Gerhard Dannemann, ZEuP 2007, Seite 1151-1155
- Übersetzung der Principles of Existing EC Contract Law (Acquis Principles - Contract I) zusammen mit David Kraft, Reiner Schulze und Gerhard Dannemann, ZeuP 2007, Seite 896-908
- Rechtsmängel im UN-Kaufrecht und das Verhältnis von Art. 30 CISG zu Art. 41, 43 CISG, IHR 2006, Seite 93-97
- Vertragsaufhebung und Rücktritt des Käufers im UN-Kaufrecht und BGB im Vergleich, München 2010
- Deutscher Anwaltsverein
- Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung