BRANDI lawyers.

Sigrid Laves
About me
- Born in 1956 in Dortmund
- Legal studies at the University of Göttingen Legal clerkship in Lower Saxony and at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. First job at Colonia Bausparkasse Dortmund in the debt collection and enforcement department. Followed by position as authorized agent in the private client business in the legal department of Deutsche Bank in Hanover and Hamburg.
- Since 2001 head of the legal unit for securities and capital market law, foundation management and execution of wills by banks and savings banks as well as consumer dispute resolution matters at the Association of Savings Banks in Lower Saxony (umbrella organization and advocacy group of the savings banks in Lower Saxony). In addition, lecturer at the Savings Bank Academy of Lower Saxony, at Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg and various other legal seminar providers.
- Since July 2022, lawyer at BRANDI Hanover with a focus on banking and capital markets law.
Bank and capital market law
- Liability of investment advisers, investment brokers and asset managers
- Fachbeitrag im Newsletter vom Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg Herbst 22 Überblick über die Stiftungsrechtsreform 2023
- Aktives Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein sowie im hannoverschen Rechtsanwalts- und Notarverein.